Launch targeted, purpose-driven games to engage your existing customers and attract new ones. Select any of XtendGame®’s innovative games or integrate any other third-party game.
CUSTOMIZE GAMES unique to your programs.
CAPTURE NEW SIGNUPS with exciting drawings.
REWARD PLAYERS INSTANTLY with SnapChance®, bingo, casino games, and more.
DRIVE PLAYERS AROUND YOUR LOCATIONS with our white label augmented reality game, MeasureHuntTM.
RUN ANY GAME YOU WANT with easy third-party integration.
SET YOURSELF APART from the competition by offering unique member benefits and more chances to win.
XtendGame® dramatically simplifies your compliance and reporting needs and o!ers powerful real-time market insight.
KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER with state-of-the-art anti-money laundering, gaming addiction and underage gaming control technology.
PROTECT YOUR CUSTOMER’S DATA with unparalleled privacy and data security features.
GAIN POWERFUL INSIGHT using our data mining and analytics engines.
INTEGRATE SEAMLESSLY with your existing CRM systems.
Reach more customers beyond your property with XtendGame® ’s mobile and social capabilities.
MESSAGE YOUR CUSTOMERS ANYTIME with push notification technology.
STAY TOP-OF-MIND with unique promotions between player visits.
CONTROL WHO YOU REACH and where you reach them with geofencing technology.
TRACK AND ADJUST YOUR MARKETING with real-time market surveillance.
DRIVE CUSTOMERS BACK with membership points and loyalty rewards.
IMPROVE YOUR RESPONSE RATES using our gamification features.
Use XtendGame® to generate revenue opportunities everywhere.
INCREASE SCREEN TIME with our highly advanced gamification techniques and engaging games.
INCREASE ROOM OCCUPANCY through custom mobile and social games.
DRIVE CUSTOMER SPEND at food and beverage outlets.
INCREASE SHARE OF WALLET and registrations.
KEEP CUSTOMERS ACTIVE by offering real-time incentives and entertainment for on-site players.